How to find the right MSP/VMS partner that is best suited for a company’s culture, contingent talent workforce requirements, and budget.
- “Vendor Neutral” versus “Primary Vendor” model analysis and implementation
- Control, visibility and protection into the independent contractor and freelancer workforce
- Statement of work analysis
- Capitalizing on emerging technical staffing solutions, including online staffing, talent exchanges, private talent networks and other human cloud platforms
- Expertise in international contingent talent needs
How to optimize a contingent talent management program.
- Measure key performance indicators and service-level agreements against company objectives
- Program adoption and sustainability across business units and departments
- Reporting and analysis of performance, cost and program value
- Review of existing vendor strategy to determine talent quality, timeliness and cost
- Stakeholder satisfaction, including hiring managers, suppliers and contingent workers
- Satisfaction reporting on program to suppliers and contingent workers
- Management and analysis of misclassification and other co-employment risks
- Interpreting and implementing international requirements
How to in-source contingent talent management programs.
- Data analysis and trend interpretation to develop business case for transitional programs
- Evaluation of transition considerations and change management for in-source programs
- Transition planning, to include program resources, technology, suppliers, contractual agreements, internal users and out-going MSP considerations
- Post-in-house implementation analysis
- Ongoing support to cover best practices, risks and fulfillment solutions
- Total talent management strategy integration